Party’s Over

Wow can you believe mama’s party is over, company has come and gone and we are all ready back in our old routine?? It was a whirlwind of a week end I can say that much, but I enjoyed seeing everyone. So pleased that so many did fly waaaayy out west to see mama and be here for her, it’s amazing to me. We had cousins meeting 2nd cousins, meeting “in-law” cousins,( is that what you call it) and just seeing each other after years and years, so quite the family reunion.
But because the time was so short, we felt that sleep could be put off. Hahaha boy what fools we were to try that one. One to two and half hours sleep per night so didn’t cut it, we were all zombies. Kelly M even managed to stay up one night, no sleep at all, and you wonder why you are sick, huh Kelly?
So party a success and now I wonder what to do next. I mean I can’t reach for my black planning book, it’s complete, geeze, what do I do? Oh I know plan for St Pat’s day then Easter I guess. So if I look hard enough I suppose I can keep myself busy and in the decorating mode.
I started way back to do “Easter Theme Baskets” so now is the time to wrack my lil ol pea brain and come up with a few ideas, then get working on them. I so love to get them all made up, wrapped then just sit and look. I know, I know I am wierd so you don’t have to tell me.
Since everyone has left though I have been trying to catch lil “happy nappies’ when I can hahaha, oh to catch up on the sleep is so needed. I so can’t hang with the young crowd anymore I guess. But today I feel human again, plenty of rest and back to my normal self, whatever that may be!!!1
So party and week end a success and I thank all that came out.
Tried to put a cute pic of mama on here but no go, dang.

6 Responses to Party’s Over

  1. Kelly M says:

    yeah I know..I can’t beleive it is over either! You planned this for SOOOO LONG!! Ithink you will have plenty to keep you busy in the future! You can even use a black planner book if you want too…to keep track! It was a kick-ass party!

  2. Kurt says:

    I’m happy to hear that everything went so well! We want pictures!

  3. wdjzk says:

    Good site!!!

  4. whvuv says:

    11Good site!!!!!

  5. radsad says:

    thanks for the compliment but now I use this one, just switched up due to messing up hahahaha

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